This is a short tutorial that I have made to share with everyone on how I was able to make a single installer for my Easy Folder Listing module. This installer works on Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. Now, you may be wondering… “Mike, how did you do that?!” Well, it’s actually quite simple. Let’s me give you a little introduction before we get into the gist of things.
iOS: Calling unknown methods from an unknown object
What if you wanted to call an unknown method that belonged to an unknown object? Or even multiple unknown methods from multiple unknown objects?
Huh? What am I talking about? You don’t think you would want to do that? Well, guess what? I wanted to do that just this past week! Yep! I wanted to call an unknown method (or methods) of an unknown object (or bunch of unrelated objects).
What’s that? Why would I want to do that? Well, have you ever used a UIControl, such as a UIButton, and you wanted to make the click event trigger a particular method in one of your project class objects? How would you implement that? Well, it’s quite simple, you just do the following:
Read MoreCocos2D: Using HD images for iPad in a Universal App
This is my first tutorial, and I am proud to make it be about writing Objective C code for the iOS and Cocos2D. Since the debut of the iPad, there has been much talk on the Cocos2D forums about how to code one Universal app that will work on the iPhone/iPod touch (resolution: 320×480), the iPhone4 Retina Display (resolution: 640×960), and iPad (resolution: 1024×768). As it stands, Cocos2D 0.99.5 to 1.0-rc accommodates for iPhone and Retina display resolutions automatically by appending the filename with ‘-hd’. So, if you have a background file named, background.png that works for 320×480 resolutions, all you have to do is create a larger version of the file named, background-hd.png. See here. The second issue of how Cocos2D accommodates for iPhone and Retina display is in positioning. Since version 0.99.5, Cocos2D automatically does this using points instead of pixels. So, in the normal display, the normal display, setting the position to ccp(100, 100) is automatically translated to ccp(200, 200) in the Retina display. The issue remains regarding how to accommodate specifying the images and the correct positioning on the iPad. In my research on how to do this, I came across the following discussions on the Cocos2D forums:- iPad2 + Retina + Universal
- one app for all (iPhone & iPad), iPad image issue
- How can iPad game use -hd images ?
- Use Retina Graphics In iPad
- Running iPhone game on iPad with hd images ? Ok with the guidelines ?
- HD Graphics in iPad x2 Mode
Code Setup
First I created a header file to maintain my constants, such as file names. This header file was called Constants.h. I also created another header file that contain macros to detect and handle the different device details. I called this file DeviceSettings.h. [sourcecode language=”objc” title=”DeviceSettings.h”] #import <UIKit/UIDevice.h> /* DETERMINE THE DEVICE USED */ #ifdef UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() #define IS_IPAD() (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) #else #define IS_IPAD() (NO) #endif /* NORMAL DETAILS */ #define kScreenHeight 480 #define kScreenWidth 320 /* OFFSETS TO ACCOMMODATE IPAD */ #define kXoffsetiPad 64 #define kYoffsetiPad 32 #define SD_PNG @".png" #define HD_PNG @"-hd.png" #define ADJUST_CCP(__p__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ccp( ( __p__.x * 2 ) + kXoffsetiPad, ( __p__.y * 2 ) + kYoffsetiPad ) : \ __p__) #define REVERSE_CCP(__p__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ccp( ( __p__.x – kXoffsetiPad ) / 2, ( __p__.y – kYoffsetiPad ) / 2 ) : \ __p__) #define ADJUST_XY(__x__, __y__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ccp( ( __x__ * 2 ) + kXoffsetiPad, ( __y__ * 2 ) + kYoffsetiPad ) : \ ccp(__x__, __y__)) #define ADJUST_X(__x__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ( __x__ * 2 ) + kXoffsetiPad : \ __x__) #define ADJUST_Y(__y__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ( __y__ * 2 ) + kYoffsetiPad : \ __y__) #define HD_PIXELS(__pixels__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ( __pixels__ * 2 ) : \ __pixels__) #define HD_TEXT(__size__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ ( __size__ * 1.5 ) : \ __size__) #define SD_OR_HD(__filename__) \ (IS_IPAD() == YES ? \ [__filename__ stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:SD_PNG withString:HD_PNG] : \ __filename__) [/sourcecode] The idea is to have a set of macros that handle the checking for iPad and substitute the correct filename and coordinates (points/pixels) on the screen. Here is the constants file: [sourcecode language=”objc” title=”Constants.h”] /* TEXTURE FILES */ #define kSpriteTexture1 SD_OR_HD(@"GoodGuy.png") #define kSpriteTexture2 SD_OR_HD(@"StageBoss.png") /* FIXED POSITIONS */ #define kSomePosition ADJUST_CCP( ccp(200, 100) ) [/sourcecode]Textures
So, from looking at the Constant.h file, you can see that we just need to define the texture in the SD_OR_HD() macro, and if it is the iPad, you will have GoodGuy-hd.png. If it is the iPhone/iPod touch, Cocos2d will load GoodGuy.png, and if it is iPhone4 Retina Display or iPad, Cocos2D will load GoodGuy-hd.png. [sourcecode language=”objc” title=”SomeCodeFile.m”] CCSprite *goodGuy = [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:kSpriteTexture1]]; goodGuy.position = kSomePosition; [self addChild:goodGuy]; CCSprite *stageBoss = [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:kSpriteTexture2]]; [stageBoss setPosition: ccp(0, ADJUST_Y( kScreenHeight*0.45 ))]; [self addChild:stageBoss]; [/sourcecode] For the positioning on the goodGuy sprite, you will have the following result coming from using:- iPhone/iPod touch: ccp (200, 100)
- iPhone4 Retina Display: ccp(400, 200)
- iPad: ccp(464, 232)