Sticks, Stones & Words

When I was a little boy, my grandmother often told me words of wisdom that I still remember today and apply to my life. One of the things she used to say often to me is,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me!

As a child, I used to hear this not only from my grandmother, but from other elders, old folk, teachers, older family members. It was something that we heard, especially when you came home and told your family about what mean things others have said to or about you. 

Now, I am almost 40 years old and I rarely hear this being said to kids now. What I hear a lot about now is people encouraging kids to focus on how they feel. Read More

Announcement: Welcome to the family!

Hi Everyone! I am pretty excited to announce that my wife delivered a healthy baby girl last night at Mount St. Johns Medical Center in Antigua! I was there for the delivery just as I was with my first daughter! Although I am a bit tired now, I am very excited! I may post some pictures later this week or so. Both my wife and daughter are doing well so far! I won’t be able to answer any emails until Monday or so. So, please bare with me, everyone. Blessings, Michael

Key Tip to making a single installer for Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0 extensions

This is a short tutorial that I have made to share with everyone on how I was able to make a single installer for my Easy Folder Listing module. This installer works on Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. Now, you may be wondering… “Mike, how did you do that?!” Well, it’s actually quite simple. Let’s me give you a little introduction before we get into the gist of things.

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Valor Apps secure website launched!

I am happy to announce that my secure online digital store, Valor Apps, is now up and running!

I will be using my new site for purchasing of all my commercial Joomla extensions! The site is run under my business name, Valor Apps. You’ll find more information on all my software. I will be updating the site in the next month or two, adding more documentation for your favorite software.

This blog site will still be used for my personal affairs, and also to promote my software in a general sense. My ultimate aim is to separate my software business from my personal blog. One of the major benefits of this is that I no longer will be sending download emails, but rather you can log into the Valor Apps site and download any software your purchase.

Thanks for your continued support, everyone!

iOS: Calling unknown methods from an unknown object


What if you wanted to call an unknown method that belonged to an unknown object? Or even multiple unknown methods from multiple unknown objects?

Huh? What am I talking about? You don’t think you would want to do that? Well, guess what? I wanted to do that just this past week! Yep! I wanted to call an unknown method (or methods) of an unknown object (or bunch of unrelated objects).

What’s that? Why would I want to do that? Well, have you ever used a UIControl, such as a UIButton, and you wanted to make the click event trigger a particular method in one of your project class objects? How would you implement that? Well, it’s quite simple, you just do the following:

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