Just some random thoughts

This is my first post for June 2010. I can’t believe it. I am really not accustomed to having a blog. A lot of this happened this month. However, I won’t write on everything. There are quite a number of ideas floating around in my head, and also quite a number of topics that I have been thinking about. My primary thought recently has been on political systems and how susceptible ‘Joe/Jane Public’ is to the words and ideas expressed by politicians. For me, I have never been trusting of the words of politicians. I have lived long enough to realize that someone can tell you anything, and make it seem convincing. Someone can take little bits of truth from different domains and from different aspects of a situation, mix it with their own thoughts and agenda and get you to believe what they need for you to believe. Oftentimes, politicians will use some form of anecdotal evidence to express their viewpoint, so that it relates to the personal beliefs or personal concerns of a populace. As a result, people tend to believe what is being said, because it relates to their situation. This response by the majority of persons in the listening public is referred to as subjective validation. Read More

Don’t look back!

My wife was sharing a scripture with me that has been on her mind for the last couple of days. So, I was thinking about it, and I want to share my thoughts on the scripture verse that she share with me. She shared the following verse with me:

32 Remember Lot’s wife. (Luke 17:32 KJV)

It made me go back to the actual verses in Genesis. The story of Lot and his situation is covered in Genesis 11-14 & 19. However, I only want to focus on the scene where they were told to leave Sodom, and head for the hills! Read More

Back to work tomorrow!

Good Night everyone… well, it’s night in Antigua, where I am living at the moment. I should be going back to work tomorrow. As to why I wasn’t at work today, well… today is Easter Monday, and in Antigua, Good Friday (last week Friday) and Easter Monday are both public holidays. The only addition to that was that I was sick all last week. I got a sick leave from the doctor that permitted me to be away from work. It has been pretty rough, being sick since last week. I only started to feel better by about Friday or so. Although, on Friday, I still had some nasal congestion, and a slight sore throat.

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Thoughts on Peace & Freedom

The children of God are supposed to be peacemakers (Matt. 5:9). What does that mean? I have learned that obtaining peace requires determination, humility, resolve, truth, love, and a will to do what is right, even if it requires sacrifice.

Sacrifice is something that many of us do not fully understand in this day and age. Everyone wants ‘this’; Everyone feels ‘that’. Who will bare the burden? The freedoms that we enjoy in any country today resulted from the sacrifice of others, yet we use our freedom to oppress. We see it as a ticket to satisfy our self, regardless of others.

Yet, what is freedom? I believe that freedom is the right to be unrestricted in one’s ability to live and love. A free person is not only free to live, but has a responsibility that others are free to live as well. One cannot demand to be free at the expense of others. Violating the freedom of others is not a benefit of being free yourself. Rather, being free demands that you ensure the freedom of others. This is fairness and equity. Freedom is protected by justice. Justice upholds peace. Peace requires sacrifice. Sacrifice ensures freedom.


Reflections on being a father…

Fatherhood… I never truly understood what it means to be a child until I became a father. I never truly understood how my father used to look at me with a smile until I looked at my daughter with a smile. My daughter and I went on a walk today around the neighborhood. It was just great, really! Watching my daughter helped me to realize what fatherhood really is… it is seeing the things that your children can’t see and guiding them safely and lovingly through life. How did I come to that conclusion?

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Hi Everyone!  Welcome to my blog site. I’m pretty excited to put up my new site. I hope to use this site to publish my portfolio, share my ideas, express my thoughts, discuss things that I am learning, and hopefully, get to interact with others through your comments and respective blogs! My hope is that persons with similar interests, and even those with differing points of view will take the time to express their thoughts in their responses to any posts and articles that I would publish. I intend to add some more content in the next few days. Thanks for visiting. God Bless.